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Smart IPTV installation guide for Samsung Smart TV

Quick instructions:
For a Samsung or LG TV, you need to install the SMART IPTV application, open it and read it, and then send us the MAC address, which roughly reads like this: 12:a4:b6:87:d0:67...of course you will have other numbers and letters .
Detailed instructions:

SSIPTV installation instructions for all other Smart TV brands (LG, Sony, Vox...)

Quick instructions:
For SMART TV, install the SSIPTV application, then open the SSIPTV settings (the third icon in the row in the upper right corner), select any country, go to the get code option, download the code and send it to us so that we can activate the TV for you.
1. Press the button SMART HUB on your remote control and then open Categories as in the picture below.
Detailed instructions:
2. Select a category Lifestyle or Video
3. Select the application Smart IPTV,then press OK.
4. Select the option Download  to download and install the application on your TV receiver.
5. After this step Smart IPTV the application will be installed on your TV and you need to send usMAC Address.
You have in the upper right corner on the "Contact" page, click on it and send us the MAC address on whatsapp or on Facebook.

1. Open the app store on your LG TVSmart World (found in "home") and log in (or create a new account if it doesn't exist).​

2. Enter the name of the program in the search(SSIPTV). Once found, click"Installation".

3. After installation click"start".

4. After that, enter the application and select the third icon in the lower right corner 
5. Then it will ask you to choose a country, choose any one (it doesn't matter at all)

6. Then go to"General" and then on the button"Get code" and that one"CODE" send to us to activate. You have in the upper right corner on the "Contact" page, click on it and send us the "CODE" on whatsapp or on Facebook.

Where is the MAC Address:

When you have installed the SmartIPTV app (which is free for 7 days, after that it costs €6 and you have it for life - we have nothing to do with it) You need to send us your MAC address and we will add channels to your TV.
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